Keeping your place of work organised

Invest in your workspace so it has the right storage to maximise your space and boost productivity by keeping things decluttered and organised.

Physical Decluttering and Organising in the Office

Moving to Online and Office Relocation

Home Office Decluttering and Organising

Find out more

For businesses in need of a good tidy up.

We can help to organise files, boxes, kitchens, cupboard, drawers and desks. 

Improving the environment at work to promote productivity and how the office looks. Interior enhancements and advice on storage solutions to utilise your space and have as much out of sight as possible. 

Help in organising confidential documents, labelling, decluttering and implementing a structure that increases efficiency and saves time. 

£330 for Six Hours

  Supporting Change 

For businesses that need support turning physical into virtual. This may be because you've taken the decision to operate fully remotely and have an office space that needs decluttering or perhaps you are in need of a cleanse of data, paperwork and files and want to bring in an external to organise systems, scan documents to save, do some shredding, and confidentially dispose of items. 

This plan can support office moves through the process of packing and unpacking items including decluttering, arranging deliveries/ postage for leftover items, keeping a log and managing administration with employee communications. We can organise charity collections of bigger items and take away smaller ones with us for donation, selling or waste. 

£330 for Six Hours / £55 per hour

For your Team

Treat your employees to professional organising and decluttering to improve their experience during working from home. 

We are products of our environment. The contribution we make at work is related to our mindset that stems from how we feel in our workspace. We find it harder to be productive in an area that doesn't promote feelings of productivity. Being organised and decluttered increases performance as less chaos and more calm with structure is easier to manage and saves time, it's also effective in boosting your mood and sleep.

Gift your team a tangible difference of physical decluttering for £220 (four hours). 

Quote the code TEAM-DECLUTTER for 10% off your booking!

For Business Owners

Improving the environment in your home office to promote productivity and how the office looks and most importantly how it makes you feel. Interior enhancements and advice on storage solutions (purchasing if desired) to utilise your space and have as much out of sight as possible. 

Logical organising and labelling for sustainability. Help in organising confidential documents, decluttering and implementing a structure that increases efficiency and saves time. 

£220 for Four Hours

£330 for Six Hours

Did you know we also run an On Demand Business Support Service?

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